Why Invest in Africa: Opportunities and Benefits for Investors

Why you should invest in africa

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Investing in Africa is becoming an increasingly appealing option for businesses and investors around the world. Africa is expected to be the world’s second-largest continent by 2050, with a population of over 2 billion people, thanks to some of the world’s fastest-growing economies. For businesses wishing to profit from Africa’s potential, the continent’s young and rapidly rising population presents a tremendous opportunity.

One of the reasons why investing in Africa is a smart move is that the continent is home to some of the world’s fastest-growing economies. According to the World Bank, six of the ten fastest-growing economies in the world are in Africa. The continent’s economic growth is driven by a variety of factors, including infrastructure development, an abundance of natural resources, and a growing middle class. By investing in Africa, businesses and investors can tap into this growth potential and benefit from the continent’s economic boom.

Another reason to invest in Africa is that its population is young and fast-rising. Africa has the world’s youngest population, with over 60% of the population under the age of 25. This is a big potential for companies trying to enter the continent’s consumer market. Household consumption is expected to climb as the population rises and earnings rise, creating a sizable market for businesses. Businesses can position themselves to take advantage of this developing market and benefit from the continent’s economic progress by investing in Africa.

Economic Growth

Africa is a continent with immense potential for economic growth, making it an attractive destination for investors. The continent has abundant natural resources, a young and growing population, and an improving business environment. In this section, we will explore how natural resources and infrastructure contribute to Africa’s economic growth.

Natural Resources

Africa is home to a vast array of natural resources, including oil, gas, minerals, and agricultural land. According to the African Development Bank, Africa has 30% of the world’s mineral reserves, including 40% of gold, 60% of cobalt, and 90% of platinum. The continent also has significant oil and gas reserves, with Nigeria, Angola, and Algeria being the largest producers.

Investing in Africa’s natural resources can yield significant returns. For example, mining and oil and gas exploration are major contributors to the economies of countries such as South Africa, Nigeria, and Angola. Additionally, agriculture is a significant sector in many African countries, with fertile land and a favorable climate providing opportunities for investors.


Infrastructure investment is critical to economic growth and development. Africa has a large infrastructure deficit, which gives chances for investors. According to the African Development Bank, Africa’s infrastructure needs are expected to be roughly $130-170 billion per year, with a funding deficit of $68-108 billion per year.

Investing in infrastructure can help unlock Africa’s economic potential. Infrastructure developments such as roads, trains, ports, and airports can improve connectivity, lower transportation costs, and boost trade. Furthermore, investment in energy infrastructure can assist to overcome the continent’s power deficit, which is a substantial limitation on economic growth.


 Africa is experiencing a digital revolution, with the growth of mobile and internet connectivity opening up new opportunities for investors. Investors can benefit from investing in technology startups, such as e-commerce platforms, fintech companies, and mobile payment systems.

Consumer Markets: 

Africa’s population is expected to double by 2050, and with it comes a growing consumer market. Investors can benefit from investing in consumer goods and services, such as retail, healthcare, and education, to tap into this growing market.

Real Estate: 

Africa’s growing middle class is driving demand for housing and commercial real estate. Investors can benefit from investing in real estate projects, such as residential developments, shopping malls, and office buildings.

In conclusion, natural resources and infrastructure are two key drivers of economic growth in Africa. Investing in these sectors can yield significant returns and contribute to the development of the continent.

Examples of successful investments in Africa

    Chinese investment in infrastructure projects:

    In recent years, China has become a major investor in Africa, particularly in infrastructure projects. For example, the Chinese government has invested heavily in the construction of railways and ports in East Africa, such as the Mombasa-Nairobi Standard Gauge Railway in Kenya and the Bagamoyo Port in Tanzania. 

    These projects have helped to improve transportation networks in the region, making it easier for goods to be transported to and from Africa. Chinese investment in Africa has also helped to create jobs and boost economic growth in the region.

    Acquisition of African mining assets by international mining companies:

    Many international mining companies have acquired African mining assets, such as gold, copper, and diamonds, to tap into Africa’s rich natural resources. For example, Barrick Gold, the world’s largest gold mining company, acquired Randgold Resources, a mining company with assets in Africa, in 2018. 

    This acquisition helped Barrick Gold to expand its operations in Africa and tap into the continent’s rich gold reserves. Other international mining companies, such as Anglo-American and Rio Tinto, have also invested heavily in African mining assets.

    Nigerian businessman Aliko Dangote:

    Aliko Dangote is a Nigerian businessman who has built a successful business empire across various industries, including cement, sugar, and flour. He is currently the richest man in Africa, with a net worth of over $10 billion. Dangote’s success in Africa is a testament to the continent’s potential for business growth and investment. His investments have helped to create jobs and boost economic growth in Nigeria and other African countries.

    These examples demonstrate the potential for high returns on investment in Africa, particularly in natural resources, infrastructure, and consumer markets. By investing in Africa, investors can tap into the continent’s growth potential and benefit from a diversified portfolio. However, investors need to do their due diligence and seek out reputable investment opportunities in Africa to minimize risks and maximize returns.

    Benefits of Investing in Africa

    Investing in Africa offers many benefits for investors, including high returns on investment, diversification of portfolio, and access to new markets. Here are some of the key benefits of investing in Africa:

      • High Returns on Investment: Africa offers some of the highest returns on investment in the world, with many investment opportunities offering returns of 20% or more. For example, investing in African private equity funds has yielded an average annual return of 18.5% over the past decade.
      • Diversification of Portfolio: Investing in Africa can help to diversify an investor’s portfolio and reduce risk. By investing in different industries and markets, investors can spread their risk and minimize the impact of market fluctuations.
      • Access to New Markets: Investing in Africa can provide access to new markets and customers, particularly as Africa’s middle class continues to grow. By investing in consumer goods and services, such as retail, healthcare, and education, investors can tap into this growing market and benefit from increased demand for goods and services.
      • Social Impact: Investing in Africa can also have a positive social impact, helping to create jobs and boost economic growth in the region. By investing in infrastructure projects, such as roads and power plants, investors can help to improve the quality of life for people in Africa and contribute to the development of the continent.
      • Government Support: Many African governments are actively seeking foreign investment to help drive economic growth and development in their countries. This means that investors can benefit from government support and incentives, such as tax breaks and subsidies, to help them get started.
      • Low Competition: Compared to other regions of the world, Africa offers relatively low competition in many industries. This means that investors can benefit from a first-mover advantage and establish a strong foothold in the market.
      • Favorable Demographics: Africa has a young and growing population, with a median age of 19.7 years. This means that there is a large and growing pool of young, educated, and ambitious workers who can help to drive economic growth and innovation in the region. By investing in education and training programs, investors can help to develop this talent pool and benefit from a highly skilled workforce.

    Examples of successful companies in Africa


     Unilever is a multinational consumer products corporation with a major presence in Africa. The corporation has made significant investments in Africa’s consumer industry, particularly in personal care and home care items. Unilever has also worked to strengthen local supply chains and distribution networks, which has helped to create jobs and support regional economic growth. Unilever has been able to tap into the continent’s increasing consumer market and benefit from strong returns on investment as a result of its operations in Africa.


    Coca-Cola is another international corporation that has made significant investments in the African beverage sector. The corporation has a large presence in Africa, with over 145 bottling operations and over 70,000 employees spread across the continent. Coca-Cola has also worked to strengthen local supply chains and distribution networks, which has helped to create jobs and support economic growth in the region. Coca-Cola has been able to tap into Africa’s increasing consumer market and benefit from strong returns on investment as a result of its operations in the continent.

    Standard Bank: 

    Standard Bank is a South African banking and financial services corporation with a substantial presence throughout Africa. The corporation has made significant investments in Africa’s financial industry, particularly in mobile banking and digital payments. Standard Bank has also worked to nurture local talent and has provided training and education programs to assist in the development of the region’s workforce.

     Standard Bank has been able to tap into the continent’s increasing middle class and benefit from increased demand for financial services as a result of its investments in Africa. The company has also been able to contribute to the region’s development by facilitating access to financial services and promoting economic progress. Standard Bank serves as an example of a successful financial sector investment for investors wishing to capitalize on Africa’s economic potential.

    These examples demonstrate the potential for high returns on investment and social impact that come with investing in Africa. 

    By investing in consumer goods and services, companies like Unilever and Coca-Cola have been able to tap into Africa’s growing middle class and benefit from increased demand for goods and services.

     Additionally, by developing local supply chains and distribution networks, these companies have been able to create jobs and contribute to the development of the region. For investors looking to tap into Africa’s growth potential, these examples provide a roadmap for success.

    Challenges of Investing in Africa

    While investing in Africa offers many benefits, there are also several challenges that investors need to be aware of. Some of the key challenges of investing in Africa include political instability, corruption, and lack of infrastructure. Here’s a closer look at each of these challenges:

    Political Instability:
    Political instability remains a source of concern for certain African investors, with issues such as civil unrest, terrorism, and poor governance affecting specific countries. This can make for a tough investment environment because it is impossible to forecast the impact of political instability on investments. Political unrest can cause property damage, loss of life, and disruption of corporate activities in some circumstances.

    Corruption is another challenge that investors may face when investing in Africa. Bribery, embezzlement, and other forms of corruption can create an uneven playing field for investors and make it difficult to do business in certain countries. Corruption can also lead to a lack of transparency and accountability, making it difficult for investors to assess the true risks and potential returns of an investment.

    Lack of Infrastructure:
    Africa’s infrastructure is often underdeveloped, particularly in rural areas. This can create challenges for investors, as it can be difficult to transport goods and access markets in certain areas. Additionally, a lack of reliable power and transportation infrastructure can increase the costs of doing business and make it difficult to operate efficiently.

    Despite these challenges, there are ways that investors can mitigate these risks and still benefit from investing in Africa.

      • Conduct Thorough Due Diligence: Before investing in Africa, investors should conduct extensive due diligence, particularly in nations with political instability or high levels of corruption. This can aid in the identification of potential hazards and the placement of assets in trustworthy firms and industries.
      • Engage Local Partners: Working with local partners can assist investors in navigating the local business climate and developing a deeper grasp of local norms and practices. Local partners can also assist in identifying market dangers and opportunities.
      • Consider Investing in nations with More Stable Political settings: Investing in nations with more stable political settings can assist to mitigate political risk. Countries with more stable political environments, such as Ghana, Rwanda, and Botswana, have been regarded as generally safe investment locations.
      • Invest in infrastructure: Investing in infrastructure projects such as roads and power plants can assist to solve a lack of infrastructure in some areas while also laying the groundwork for economic growth. By investing in infrastructure, investors can assist to create jobs, enhance market access, and lower company expenses.
      • Diversifying investments across businesses and markets: can assist to disperse risk and limit the impact of any single investment. Investors might benefit from a more balanced portfolio by diversifying their investments across businesses and markets.
      • Keep Up to Date: Investors can detect potential hazards and opportunities in the market by staying updated about the local business climate and political changes. Investors may make informed decisions and alter their investing strategy by staying up to date on local news and trends.

    Fun Fact: 

    Did you know that Africa is home to some of the most breathtaking natural wonders on the planet? From the majestic Victoria Falls in Zambia and Zimbabwe to the iconic Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Africa boasts an awe-inspiring array of landscapes and landmarks. The continent is also blessed with diverse wildlife, including the mighty elephants of Amboseli National Park in Kenya and the stunning marine life in the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Mozambique. So, while you explore investment opportunities in Africa, don’t forget to immerse yourself in the natural beauty and unforgettable experiences that make this continent truly remarkable.


    As we conclude this exploration of the immense investment potential in Africa, it becomes abundantly clear that this vast continent is brimming with opportunities waiting to be harnessed. From its robust economic growth and emerging markets to the untapped sectors and abundant resources, Africa offers a fertile ground for those seeking growth, prosperity, and positive impact.

    While challenges and risks may exist, it is crucial to look beyond the misconceptions and embrace the evolving African narrative. Political stability, improved governance, and supportive initiatives demonstrate the commitment to creating an enabling environment for investors. Africa’s success stories and the transformative power of strategic partnerships attest to the transformative potential of engaging with this vibrant continent.

    At Share-Afro, we stand ready to support you on your investment journey in Africa. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing the knowledge, insights, and guidance you need to navigate the diverse markets and sectors. We understand the unique nuances of doing business in Africa and can help you unlock the untapped potential that awaits.

    Together, let us seize the opportunity to make a lasting difference in Africa’s economic landscape. By investing in Africa, you not only have the chance to realize exceptional returns on investment but also contribute to sustainable development, job creation, and the empowerment of local communities.

    The time to act is now. Join us on this exciting journey, and let us forge a prosperous future for Africa, hand in hand. Together, we can unlock the untapped potential and create a legacy of growth and opportunity.

    Invest in Africa with Share-Afro today, and let’s shape the future together!

    Chinese investment in infrastructure projects:

    In recent years, China has become a major investor in Africa, particularly in infrastructure projects. For example, the Chinese government has invested heavily in the construction of railways and ports in East Africa, such as the Mombasa-Nairobi Standard Gauge Railway in Kenya and the Bagamoyo Port in Tanzania. 

    These projects have helped to improve transportation networks in the region, making it easier for goods to be transported to and from Africa. Chinese investment in Africa has also helped to create jobs and boost economic growth in the region.

    Acquisition of African mining assets by international mining companies:

    Many international mining companies have acquired African mining assets, such as gold, copper, and diamonds, to tap into Africa’s rich natural resources. For example, Barrick Gold, the world’s largest gold mining company, acquired Randgold Resources, a mining company with assets in Africa, in 2018. 

    This acquisition helped Barrick Gold to expand its operations in Africa and tap into the continent’s rich gold reserves. Other international mining companies, such as Anglo-American and Rio Tinto, have also invested heavily in African mining assets.

    Nigerian businessman Aliko Dangote:

    Aliko Dangote is a Nigerian businessman who has built a successful business empire across various industries, including cement, sugar, and flour. He is currently the richest man in Africa, with a net worth of over $10 billion. Dangote’s success in Africa is a testament to the continent’s potential for business growth and investment. His investments have helped to create jobs and boost economic growth in Nigeria and other African countries.

    These examples demonstrate the potential for high returns on investment in Africa, particularly in natural resources, infrastructure, and consumer markets. By investing in Africa, investors can tap into the continent’s growth potential and benefit from a diversified portfolio. However, investors need to do their due diligence and seek out reputable investment opportunities in Africa to minimize risks and maximize returns.

    Benefits of Investing in Africa

    Investing in Africa offers many benefits for investors, including high returns on investment, diversification of portfolio, and access to new markets. Here are some of the key benefits of investing in Africa:

      • High Returns on Investment: Africa offers some of the highest returns on investment in the world, with many investment opportunities offering returns of 20% or more. For example, investing in African private equity funds has yielded an average annual return of 18.5% over the past decade.
      • Diversification of Portfolio: Investing in Africa can help to diversify an investor’s portfolio and reduce risk. By investing in different industries and markets, investors can spread their risk and minimize the impact of market fluctuations.
      • Access to New Markets: Investing in Africa can provide access to new markets and customers, particularly as Africa’s middle class continues to grow. By investing in consumer goods and services, such as retail, healthcare, and education, investors can tap into this growing market and benefit from increased demand for goods and services.
      • Social Impact: Investing in Africa can also have a positive social impact, helping to create jobs and boost economic growth in the region. By investing in infrastructure projects, such as roads and power plants, investors can help to improve the quality of life for people in Africa and contribute to the development of the continent.
      • Government Support: Many African governments are actively seeking foreign investment to help drive economic growth and development in their countries. This means that investors can benefit from government support and incentives, such as tax breaks and subsidies, to help them get started.
      • Low Competition: Compared to other regions of the world, Africa offers relatively low competition in many industries. This means that investors can benefit from a first-mover advantage and establish a strong foothold in the market.
      • Favorable Demographics: Africa has a young and growing population, with a median age of 19.7 years. This means that there is a large and growing pool of young, educated, and ambitious workers who can help to drive economic growth and innovation in the region. By investing in education and training programs, investors can help to develop this talent pool and benefit from a highly skilled workforce.

    Examples of successful companies in Africa


     Unilever is a multinational consumer products corporation with a major presence in Africa. The corporation has made significant investments in Africa’s consumer industry, particularly in personal care and home care items. Unilever has also worked to strengthen local supply chains and distribution networks, which has helped to create jobs and support regional economic growth. Unilever has been able to tap into the continent’s increasing consumer market and benefit from strong returns on investment as a result of its operations in Africa.


    Coca-Cola is another international corporation that has made significant investments in the African beverage sector. The corporation has a large presence in Africa, with over 145 bottling operations and over 70,000 employees spread across the continent. Coca-Cola has also worked to strengthen local supply chains and distribution networks, which has helped to create jobs and support economic growth in the region. Coca-Cola has been able to tap into Africa’s increasing consumer market and benefit from strong returns on investment as a result of its operations in the continent.

    Standard Bank: 

    Standard Bank is a South African banking and financial services corporation with a substantial presence throughout Africa. The corporation has made significant investments in Africa’s financial industry, particularly in mobile banking and digital payments. Standard Bank has also worked to nurture local talent and has provided training and education programs to assist in the development of the region’s workforce.

     Standard Bank has been able to tap into the continent’s increasing middle class and benefit from increased demand for financial services as a result of its investments in Africa. The company has also been able to contribute to the region’s development by facilitating access to financial services and promoting economic progress. Standard Bank serves as an example of a successful financial sector investment for investors wishing to capitalize on Africa’s economic potential.

    These examples demonstrate the potential for high returns on investment and social impact that come with investing in Africa. 

    By investing in consumer goods and services, companies like Unilever and Coca-Cola have been able to tap into Africa’s growing middle class and benefit from increased demand for goods and services.

     Additionally, by developing local supply chains and distribution networks, these companies have been able to create jobs and contribute to the development of the region. For investors looking to tap into Africa’s growth potential, these examples provide a roadmap for success.

    Challenges of Investing in Africa

    While investing in Africa offers many benefits, there are also several challenges that investors need to be aware of. Some of the key challenges of investing in Africa include political instability, corruption, and lack of infrastructure. Here’s a closer look at each of these challenges:

    Political Instability:
    Political instability remains a source of concern for certain African investors, with issues such as civil unrest, terrorism, and poor governance affecting specific countries. This can make for a tough investment environment because it is impossible to forecast the impact of political instability on investments. Political unrest can cause property damage, loss of life, and disruption of corporate activities in some circumstances.

    Corruption is another challenge that investors may face when investing in Africa. Bribery, embezzlement, and other forms of corruption can create an uneven playing field for investors and make it difficult to do business in certain countries. Corruption can also lead to a lack of transparency and accountability, making it difficult for investors to assess the true risks and potential returns of an investment.

    Lack of Infrastructure:
    Africa’s infrastructure is often underdeveloped, particularly in rural areas. This can create challenges for investors, as it can be difficult to transport goods and access markets in certain areas. Additionally, a lack of reliable power and transportation infrastructure can increase the costs of doing business and make it difficult to operate efficiently.

    Despite these challenges, there are ways that investors can mitigate these risks and still benefit from investing in Africa.

      • Conduct Thorough Due Diligence: Before investing in Africa, investors should conduct extensive due diligence, particularly in nations with political instability or high levels of corruption. This can aid in the identification of potential hazards and the placement of assets in trustworthy firms and industries.
      • Engage Local Partners: Working with local partners can assist investors in navigating the local business climate and developing a deeper grasp of local norms and practices. Local partners can also assist in identifying market dangers and opportunities.
      • Consider Investing in nations with More Stable Political settings: Investing in nations with more stable political settings can assist to mitigate political risk. Countries with more stable political environments, such as Ghana, Rwanda, and Botswana, have been regarded as generally safe investment locations.
      • Invest in infrastructure: Investing in infrastructure projects such as roads and power plants can assist to solve a lack of infrastructure in some areas while also laying the groundwork for economic growth. By investing in infrastructure, investors can assist to create jobs, enhance market access, and lower company expenses.
      • Diversifying investments across businesses and markets: can assist to disperse risk and limit the impact of any single investment. Investors might benefit from a more balanced portfolio by diversifying their investments across businesses and markets.
      • Keep Up to Date: Investors can detect potential hazards and opportunities in the market by staying updated about the local business climate and political changes. Investors may make informed decisions and alter their investing strategy by staying up to date on local news and trends.

    Fun Fact: 

    Did you know that Africa is home to some of the most breathtaking natural wonders on the planet? From the majestic Victoria Falls in Zambia and Zimbabwe to the iconic Mount Kilimanjaro in Tanzania, Africa boasts an awe-inspiring array of landscapes and landmarks. The continent is also blessed with diverse wildlife, including the mighty elephants of Amboseli National Park in Kenya and the stunning marine life in the Great Barrier Reef off the coast of Mozambique. So, while you explore investment opportunities in Africa, don’t forget to immerse yourself in the natural beauty and unforgettable experiences that make this continent truly remarkable.


    As we conclude this exploration of the immense investment potential in Africa, it becomes abundantly clear that this vast continent is brimming with opportunities waiting to be harnessed. From its robust economic growth and emerging markets to the untapped sectors and abundant resources, Africa offers a fertile ground for those seeking growth, prosperity, and positive impact.

    While challenges and risks may exist, it is crucial to look beyond the misconceptions and embrace the evolving African narrative. Political stability, improved governance, and supportive initiatives demonstrate the commitment to creating an enabling environment for investors. Africa’s success stories and the transformative power of strategic partnerships attest to the transformative potential of engaging with this vibrant continent.

    At Share-Afro, we stand ready to support you on your investment journey in Africa. Our team of experienced professionals is dedicated to providing the knowledge, insights, and guidance you need to navigate the diverse markets and sectors. We understand the unique nuances of doing business in Africa and can help you unlock the untapped potential that awaits.

    Together, let us seize the opportunity to make a lasting difference in Africa’s economic landscape. By investing in Africa, you not only have the chance to realize exceptional returns on investment but also contribute to sustainable development, job creation, and the empowerment of local communities.

    The time to act is now. Join us on this exciting journey, and let us forge a prosperous future for Africa, hand in hand. Together, we can unlock the untapped potential and create a legacy of growth and opportunity.

    Invest in Africa with Share-Afro today, and let’s shape the future together!

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