How to write an engaging article for your audience.

how to write an engaging article for your audience

Table of Contents

Writing an article is a truly amazing and fulfilling sensation, You get to share your knowledge and skills with your audience or just maybe for fun. Learning the skill of writing an article is something you’re going to use for life.

With the emergence of high dopamine-consuming platforms like TikTok, YouTube, and many more, the attention span of different individuals has dramatically decreased. Gone are the days when we used to visit certain websites and spend about 30 minutes on an article reading and researching for certain information. 

AI platforms like Chat GPT are also changing the game of content creation and making it much easier for people to access information without needing to visit a website. I mean, look at platforms like WhatsApp that have also added an AI chatbot to their platform. Very soon all platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram will have a built-in AI system to answer all of your questions.

I’m not trying to discourage you or anything of the sort, but you should be alarmed. The blogging game is changing, and we as bloggers must adapt. I assure you it’s out of the question that blogging is still a profitable venture, and anyone who says otherwise is trying to mislead you.

Adapting to these changing technologies is crucial. Gone are the days when one wrote only 20 blog articles and he or she was indexed and started earning money in about 1 to 2 months. Writing articles in today’s world is more of a science than an art.

One thing hasn’t changed about blogging. It’s still an article-driven business. The more articles and content you have on your website, the more chances you stand of getting indexed and making money in turn.

So the ultimate question is how to you write the best SEO-optimized article and get it out there for as many people as possible to read. I think we can help you answer this question. In this article, we bring you one of the best step-by-step guides on how to write a captivating, inspirational article for your audience.

In addition, we will be providing extra tools and external links to materials to further help in making your writing experience as smooth as possible.

Key points outlined for this article:

– Basics to writing an engaging article

– Tools to help you in writing your blog article

– Extra tools

– Where to post your blog article and attract as much audience as possible

– Conclusion

Basics to writing an engaging blog article

Writing an article is a process, filled with research, collecting data from different authentic sources, and compelling that information into something educational and engaging to your audience. However, there are certain things you should know and should have at the grasp of your finger to smoothen your writing experience and bring that amazing idea to life for your audience to enjoy.

We have tried to summarize these essentials in the best and simplest form for anyone to understand and apply them to their writing skills, and they are as follows:

1. A peaceful space or environment

Writing an article simply requires inspiration and focus to achieve a flow state or you may call it a writer’s state. This cannot be accomplished in a messy and noisy environment.

Imagine trying to come up with the next blog idea with kids or machines interrupting you in the background, you would automatically lose your concentration and instead, your mind will ponder on other things.

Getting yourself in a stable peaceful atmosphere is key as this is where ideas are born and words will flow effortlessly between your mind and your hand. That peaceful allure will guide your hands, and you will find yourself writing words you never thought of in the first place.

2. Know your passion.

Your passion defines the quality of your content and the kind of drive and rhythm you bring to your article. If you’re passionate about a particular topic or hobby, it will be easier for you to write content revolving around that particular topic.

A good example we can apply in this scenario is music. If you like music, and I learn we all do, it will be easier for you to write about music, trending songs, artists, gossip, and related topics.

Writing content about topics you are not passionate about or even interested in will not only make your writing experience difficult but also make you write low-value content for your audience. Hence, identifying your passion at an early stage is key in your writing journey.

3. Know your audience.

Knowing your target audience is crucial while writing an article. Before writing an article, first ask yourself these questions: whom are you writing for, what gender are you targeting, what age, what country, how will your audience perceive your content and how will they react, who are my critics?

Finding answers to all of these questions is important in identifying your target audience and writing content that resonates with your fans. Knowing your audience is crucial as it will guide you on the type of content you should write about and avoid any legal implications that may arise with targeting the wrong audience.

4. Timing factor

When it comes to writing an article, timing is everything. Writing the perfect blog article and making sure that it is viewed by the right audience all depends on your timing.

One of my favorite bloggers and I think one of the greatest of our time, Adam Enfroy, talks about timing in one of his YouTube videos: “Timing is everything, writing a blog article or topic at the right time will help you rank on Google much faster than an article written at the wrong time.”

A good example was during the COVID-19 pandemic. During this time, most of the websites on the internet were only writing about COVID-19, its effects, and how to survive financially.

Blog articles like “How to work from home during the COVID-19 pandemic” or “How to handle your finances during the COVID-19 pandemic” were always so popular on the internet and indeed these articles did get a lot of traffic simply because of the timing factor.

Now it’s 2024, and COVID-19 has almost faded from people’s minds, funny how we forget so fast, and if you’re planning to write an article about COVID-19 in 2024, now that would be the absolute definition of wrong timing and good luck with doing that.

There are many examples I can give about timing factors but COVID-19 seemed to be the right one since we were all equally affected by this pandemic and it’s so hard to forget, I was kidding.

5. Sourcing the right information for your audience.

Sourcing the right information is crucial, as doing thorough research on the different topics you are writing about, and using research tools like Wikipedia, ChatGPT, and many more to help you in compelling the best information for your audience.

Providing your audience with the right information is key as it will help you gain the trust and confidence of your audience which is important in any article writing journey. Some of the best ways to source information include the following:

  • – Use tools across the internet like Wikipedia and Chat GPT fact-checker, among others.
  • – Use research books for reference, these books are found both online and offline.
  • – Conduct surveys and questionnaires to collect first-class data from individuals.
  • – Use your other bloggers’ information, do not copy and paste, just use their information to conduct further research and add value.
  • – Ask a friend or fellow blogger for help, they are always ready to lend a hand.
  • That makes the five fundamental bases to writing an article easy for you to read and incorporate into your writing skills, and now let’s head to phase three, finding inspiration and bringing that big idea to life.

Tools to help you in writing an article

Gone are the days when writing an article used to consume time and a lot of research. With the outbreak of different tools and software on the internet, writing an article has never been easier. Imagine spending hours proofreading an article; well, now it takes only seconds with tools like Grammarly or ChatGPT.

Moreover, some tools can write an article from scratch, although I do not like feeding my audience AI content. With the proper use of such tools, you can be assured that your writing experience is smooth. If you haven’t implemented these tools yet, then you are missing out on a lot.

Below is a list of 8 tools to help you in writing an article:

1.     Chat GPT: This is so far the most popular tool on the internet. I’m sure everyone knows what ChatGPT is, but it’s amazing to see how people are missing out and not using the full potential of this tool. Chat GPT can be a great tool for writing an article. 

I’m not implying that you should use Chat GPT to write an article; that’s a big mistake many people make, as content from Chat GPT is not original, and Google barely ranks such content on the internet. So, what’s the best way to use Chat GPT? There are many ways to ethically use Chat GPT and smoothen your writing experience as these include brainstorming ideas, research and data collection, proofreading, fact-checking, etc.

2.     Grammarly: This is our second tool. Grammarly is a digital writing tool that provides grammar and spell checking, plagiarism detection services, and suggestions about writing clarity, concision, vocabulary, style, and tone. To put it in simple terms, Grammarly is a tool mainly used for proofreading. Many bloggers, including myself, use this tool to proofread articles. The most amazing thing about Grammarly is that it has a free version which most of us are using.

3.     QuillBot: This is another tool. To derive its definition from one of QuillBot’s blog articles, it is an online writing platform with a bunch of tools aimed at elevating and perfecting your writing. QuillBot paraphrases, summarizes, checks for grammar and plagiarism, translates, outlines, creates citations, and sets you up for success in school, work, and your personal life. QuillBot has both a free and paid version, but the free version comes with everything you need to write an amazing article.

Extra tools include the following:

·         Koala AI: This is an AI writing tool and it comes with a free trial with a 5000-word count. After that, you can buy a package starting at only $9 per month.

·         Writesonic: This is another amazing tool that writes a 2000-word article and generates images in mere seconds.

·         Ahrefs: This is a SaaS company that provides an all-in-one SEO toolset that empowers individuals, teams, and enterprises with writing SEO-driven content. Ahrefs comes with tools like website traffic checker, keyword generator, backlink checker, and many more.

Countless tools can guide you in writing an article; however, we can’t write them down as this would be a very long blog article. So, instead, you can refer to this article for further research: “The 8 Best Writing Tools for 2024.”

Where to post your blog article and attract as much audience as possible

Now that you’ve crafted your captivating blog article, the next step is to choose the right platform for publication. Selecting the appropriate platform can significantly impact your article’s reach and engagement. Here are some options to consider:

1.      Your Blog or Website: Maintaining your blog or website gives you complete control over your content and brand. It allows you to build a loyal audience over time and establish yourself as an authority in your niche. Platforms like WordPress, Squarespace, or Wix offer user-friendly tools for creating and managing your blog.

2.      Medium: Medium is a popular blogging platform known for its clean design and engaged community of readers. Publishing on Medium can expose your article to a wider audience, as it has millions of active users. Additionally, Medium offers the opportunity to earn money through its Partner Program, where you can monetize your content based on reader engagement.

3. LinkedIn: If your article caters to a professional audience or relates to business topics, consider publishing it on LinkedIn. As a professional networking platform, LinkedIn allows you to showcase your expertise and connect with like-minded professionals. Articles published on LinkedIn can also be shared with your network, increasing visibility and potential reach.

4.      Guest Blogging: Contributing articles to establish websites or blogs in your niche can help you tap into their existing audience. Look for reputable websites that accept guest contributions and align with your content. Guest blogging not only exposes your writing to a new audience but also builds backlinks to your blog, which can improve your site’s SEO.

5.      Social Media: Don’t underestimate the power of social media platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram for promoting your blog article. Share snippets or excerpts from your article along with compelling visuals to grab attention. Utilize relevant hashtags and engage with your audience to encourage shares and interaction.

6.      Online Communities and Forums: Participating in online communities and forums related to your niche can help you reach a targeted audience interested in your topic. Share your article in relevant discussions, but be sure to abide by community guidelines and avoid spamming.

7.      Email Newsletter: If you have an email list of subscribers, leverage it to promote your latest blog article. Craft a compelling email newsletter that highlights the key points of your article and encourages readers to click through to your blog. Personalize your emails to make them more engaging and relevant to your subscribers.

Ultimately, the best platform for publishing your blog article depends on your target audience, niche, and marketing strategy. Experiment with different platforms to see where you get the most traction and adjust your approach accordingly. By strategically leveraging various channels, you can maximize the reach and impact of your blog article.

Fun Fact:

 Did you know that the first blog was created in 1994 by Justin Hall, a college student at Swarthmore College? He called it “Justin’s Links from the Underground” and used it as a platform to share his thoughts, links, and experiences. Since then, blogging has evolved into a diverse and vibrant medium for sharing ideas and connecting with audiences worldwide.

Ultimately, the best platform for publishing your blog article depends on your target audience, niche, and marketing strategy. Experiment with different platforms to see where you get the most traction and adjust your approach accordingly. By strategically leveraging various channels, you can maximize the reach and impact of your blog article.


In the dynamic world of blogging, where attention is scarce and competition is fierce, mastering the art of crafting captivating articles and strategically sharing them is paramount. Throughout this guide, we’ve explored the fundamentals of engaging writing, essential tools to enhance your writing process, and various platforms for publishing your blog article.

From creating a peaceful writing environment to leveraging AI-powered tools like ChatGPT and Grammarly, every step contributes to the creation of compelling content. Whether you choose to publish on your blog, reputable platforms like Medium and LinkedIn, or explore guest blogging opportunities, each avenue offers unique benefits and opportunities to reach your target audience.

As you embark on your blogging journey, remember that consistency, quality, and adaptability are key. Keep honing your writing skills, stay informed about industry trends, and be open to experimenting with different platforms and strategies. By staying true to your voice, providing value to your audience, and continuously refining your approach, you’ll not only attract more readers but also establish yourself as a trusted authority in your niche.

So, go ahead, unleash your creativity, and share your insights with the world. With the right blend of passion, perseverance, and strategic thinking, your blog articles have the potential to inspire, educate, and entertain audiences far and wide. Happy blogging!

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